Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Joy Luck Club

Rating: Three and a Half Stars

I know this book has been out for some time, so I'm a little late to the party.  But I really quite liked it.  It took me a while to get into it…but I ultimately really loved the stories of mothers and daughters - how they saw the world so differently.  The stories of the mothers growing up in China and then having children here in America, and then the daughters that were raised here, not understanding their mothers.  There are many beautiful and heart wrenching stories, but I appreciate how the stories were told, seemingly random but ultimately tying the stories of mothers and daughters together in a beautiful way.  I also really enjoyed reading the mothers' stories, how the they see the world is beautiful, unique and proud.  It was in many ways inspiring.  I also have to say Amy Tan does an amazing job telling the stories though such specifically distinct voices - old and young - old world and new world.  Beautifully written.

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