Saturday, October 9, 2010

Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil

I really wanted to like this book. I like the idea of it being set in Savannah, I vaguely remember seeing the movie with Kevin Spacey in it, fell short for me. Of course it might have helped if I'd known that it was a non-fiction novel the whole time I was reading it...but somehow I missed that bit of info until the very end when the author's note mentioned that every character was a real person. There were a few really interesting, eccentric characters, including the city of Savannah itself - also unique and eccentric (and I admit I'd like to see it). But I often felt bored, like I was just constantly waiting for something to happen - it was more like a day-in-the-life type story. When something did finally happen, it still seemed lacking somehow. But again, that might have been because I was coming to it from the wrong perspective...though now it's too late and I'll never know. Though I have to say...the voodoo bits were really fun and fascinating. And there were definitely other good parts, but all in all I'm kind of glad I'm finished.