Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Slaughterhouse Five - Kurt Vonnegut

Well, this is a crazy book. The only thing I have ever known about this book is that it is an "iconic, classic post-modern anti-war book". So that led me to believe it was a certain type of novel. Well, that's what I get for assuming. It is just that - just not in the way I was expecting. So it was good....a little weird - there are (apparently classic) Vonnegut science fiction elements in it, but I really liked certain aspects of it - like his characters' war experiences, and what happened to them as a result of the war. I also looked Vonnegut up and found that he actually experienced a lot of what he wrote about in that book, which was helpful to know and understand his perspective. I still have mixed feelings about the book, but I'd say it's worth reading...especially if you go into it with different expectations than I did.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Me Talk Pretty One Day

I have had this in my library for some time (based on my brother's recommendation), and it was re-recommended by my friend Nate at work just last week. So I took it on my trip to California and just finished it today. Verdict: SO funny. I enjoyed David Sedaris immensely. The first half of the book was pretty funny, but the second half is what made me laugh out loud not once, not twice, but several times. He is cynical, observant, and has a very unique viewpoint on life. I like the way his mind works, and I plan on reading Naked by him as well.